Edgar Degas is one of the founders of impressionism. My favorite work from his was his drawings on dance and ballerinas. He basically painted this series because his brother was in depb and needed the money. His studies of the ballerinas are extremely elegant and mystical. They have a lot of motion in them. The ballerinas almost look like they are dancing on the canvas. The colors he used are also very dominant. The first picture i picked was "Ballet Class". The green atmosphere and lighting are reflected on to the ballerinas themselves. They seem like they are practicing for a recital. The old man must be the choreographer. But Degas do not just portray ballerinas practicing in the studio. He also depicted them dancing in the recitals as the crowd admires. as in the next painting I like called, Musicians in the Orchestra. I like the way he composed this piece. It is almost like we are in the crown, watching the recital. The colors he portrays on the pink ballerinas are luminous. In all i really love these paintings of his because the colors and the subjects.
Degas was very much aware of fashion... just saying.